![]() Laurence I. ("Larry") Gould University of Hartford Dana Hall, Room 221 West Hartford, CT 06117 Tel: (860) 768-4307, Fax: (860) 768-5244 |
For Background, Research, Honors, Teaching, Outside Interests see: Professor of Physics University of Hartford College of Arts and Science |
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Areas of Interest
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Philosophy: Everybody has one (implicitly or explicitly!)RECENT: July 2019_VIENNA Austria_Gödel Legacy ConferencePROGRAM listing my talk - ALBERT EINSTEIN: Creative Milestones of Kurt Gödel’s Friend Main page of the Gödel Legacy Conference 25-27 July 2019
PAST: May 2019_HELSINKI Finland_Unification in Physics & PhilosophyHELSINKI_POSTER_May 2019_Unification in Physics & Philosophy HELSINKI_Scope_Program_Abstracts _May 2019_Unification in Physics & Philosophy
"GLOBAL WARMING/CLIMATE CHANGE" CRITICAL ANALYSES[ If you do not have Adobe Reader you can download a Free version ] GOULD_Systematic and Logical Problems in Global Warming Science _Published version CRITICAL THINKING and Global Warming (16 March 2008) [downloadable PDF document with clickable links] "CLIMATE CHANGE/GLOBAL WARMING" ACTIVITIES since 2007 (18 September 2019) [downloadable PDF document with clickable links] Thirteenth INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE (2019) Sixth INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE (2011) — RESTORING the SCIENTIFIC METHOD — KEYNOTE SPEAKERS include Hon. Harrison Schmidt (former U.S. Senator and NASA astronaut — Moonwalker, Apollo 17) The theme of the conference, "Restoring the Scientific Method," acknowledges the fact that claims of scientific certainty and predictions of climate catastrophes are based on "post-normal science," which substitutes claims of consensus for the scientific method. This choice has had terrible consequences for science and society. Abandoning the scientific method led to the "Climategate" scandal and the errors and abuses of peer review by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). [downloadable Conference Proceedings: Audio, Video, PowerPoints, and PDFs] Fourth INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Complete Program [PDF] CLIMATE CHANGE VIDEOS from THE HEARTLAND INSTITUTE The Great Global Warming Swindle VIDEO Life without Petroleum-Based Products VIDEO (1 minute) OPEN LETTER to the COUNCIL of the AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY regarding their National Policy Statement on Climate Change An OPEN LETTER Anthropogenic Global Warming Alarmism: A Corruption of Scienceto Members of the American Physical Society/NewEnglandSection from Spring 2008 NES APS Newsletter [downloadable PDF document with clickable links] OPEN LETTER from Connecticut Environmental Realists Global Warming and the Demise of Rational Environmentalism [PDF file] LETTERS to the Editors on Global Warming (pp. 5-9) American Physical Society/NewEnglandSection Spring 2008 Newsletter [PDF file - please wait] INTERVIEWS/LECTURES/PUBLICATIONS/WORKSHOPS/RESEARCH/COURSES "Global Warming" from a Critical Perspective[PDF file & links] EDITORIAL on Global Warming Claims (considered opinion) from Fall 2007 NES APS Newsletter [downloadable PDF document & clickable links] GOULD PRESENTATION Sample PowerPoint presentation critiquing anthropogenic global warming alarmisism [PowerPoint file - 13.0 MB] LINDZEN_Report (2008) on Political Corruption of Science Richard Lindzen of MIT (world-leading climatologist who consulted for the IPCC). Excerpt: œIn particular, we will show how political bodies act to control scientific institutions, how scientists adjust both data and even theory to accommodate politically correct positions, and how opposition to these positions is disposed of. Also at http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.3762 MONCKTON Abstract: "Climate Change: A Policy-Makers Perspective" by Christopher (Viscount) Monckton of Brenchley (Extended Abstract for UofH Public Lecture on 5March2008) This document and the following PowerPoint presentation are courtesy of Lord Monckton [PDF file] MONCKTON Presentation "Climate Change: A Policy-Maker's Perspective" by Christopher (Viscount) Monckton of Brenchley [PDF] MONCKTON: Longer Letter to Editors_NESAPS Newsletter Fall 2008 [PDF file - please wait] GIAEVER_NOBEL Laureates and Climate Change_HowToAccess_plus Comments.pdf [This file gives the starting and ending times for Giaever's comments critiquing global-warmer/climate-change alarmist claims. Listen to his comments through the m4a audio file link below.] NOTE: As of 1 February 2009, the video has (inexplicably) been removed. But the pdf file enables you to see some quotations — including Giaever's — from the video/audio. GIAEVER_Lindau_NobelLaureates_ClimateChange_AUDIO.m4a [the starting and ending times for Giaever's comments critiquing global-warmer/climate-change alarmist claims are given in the pdf file above] Note -- after playing start of recording, it takes about 10 seconds for sound to be heard. DOWNLOAD: Right Click to Download Linked File (for Windows, right click and Save Target As... then you can Save to the Desktop) in order to download the 40.6 MB Audio file; in order to play the m4a audio, download and install (if necessary) either of the following FREE programs — one is iTunes (link is http://www.apple.com/itunes/; for Windows, try Google if you need to locate a download link) and the other is QuickTime (link is http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/; for Windows, try Google if you need to locate a download link; double-click saved file and it should open in QuickTime) — try the iTunes one first, the slider below the time window can be dragged to set to one of the times given in the associated pdf file above (for Windows running QuickTime, you can also see the slider and drag it to time desired.] NIPCC Report Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change Fundamental critique of the UN's IPCC report [FREE View/Download or Purchase book; PDF version, 8.1 MB] Reply to RealClimate's Attacks on the NIPCC Climate Report Al Gore's Science Fiction: A Skeptic's Guide to An Inconvenient Truth by Marlo Lewis, Jr.
The document is practically a point-by-point refutation, supported
with scientific references, to Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
[PDF version; 2.4 MB] Must-Read BOOKS: "Taken by Storm " by Christopher Essex and Ross McKitrick [downloadable PDF document with clickable link] "Heaven and Earth" by Ian Plimer << CLICK to LOOK |
[Future Image] Society of Physics Students
[Future Image] Some previous Symmetry course |
New England Section Newsletter Fall 2007
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